lørdag 16. mars 2013


Today I went to town with my friends to go shopping. It was very fun, but today is the day of the first football match this seasom (in Norway), so the city were filled with drunk football fans.. And suddenly out of nowhere a man started to sing. Then some other people joined him. They were supporters of the team plaing against Bergen's team, Brann. So when drunk supporters of two different teams starts to sing, you know it will end with a fight. My friends and I just went by acting like nothing really happened.. And then the police came and once again the city is safe <3
Okay, usually things like that does not happen, but today is the first match so people are getting exsited. 
Anyways, here is the things i bought:

So I bought a bra and a shirt.
I just love the buttons on the shirt <3 And ofcourse comics, I always buy comics <3
I were supposed to buy a black skirt, skittles, a few large glass bottles, a few small glass bottles and 7-up, but I forgot everything and used all of my money on thing I did not need. Well, I needed the bra, but not the other things <3

This is all i have to say today, I will write more later, bye.

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